Woohoo! No waste this week--barely. I realized after shopping last week that I'd overbought on vegetables a bit, so I planned dishes that could expand to accommodate more veggies and froze the extra portions. I also blanched & froze a bunch of spinach that I wasn't able to otherwise use. Now I have a freezer full of black bean soup and vegetable curry with rice (my own version of microwave dinners), and a fridge that's looking preeeeeeetty empty. Good thing tomorrow is grocery day chez Kate.

And just so that I don't get too full of myself I would like to point out the sad state of my produce drawer which I am going to have to clean before I put anything else in it. But not tonight.
These fridge photos make me think I should do a full profile of my fridge/freezer/pantry. Stay tuned for that. I've also got a post about the science behind calorie counts (or more specifically: what's wrong with them) in the works. Should be up some time next week. Happy Friday!
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